Sunday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26, Nov 2

Joshua Leads the Israelites Across the Jordan River

Crossing the Jordan River, Ely Cathedral Section of a stained glass window in Ely Cathedral, depicting the people of Israel crossing the Jordan into the promised land: While all Israel were crossing over on dry ground, the priests who bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan, until the entire nation finished crossing over the Jordan. Photo by Steve Day, flickr CCL


Sunday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26 centered on what God did for all people. In the Old Testament lesson, God told Joshua that he would make Joshua a great man, able to lead the Children of Israel across the Jordan River into the Promised Land. Despite the fact that Joshua would be perceived as a great man, the actual work would be God’s doing.

The Psalmist recognized the work of God in the Exodus and the Israelite’s accessing the land flowing with milk and honey. Every verse was a tribute to what God had done.

The New Testament epistle to the Thessalonians addressed Paul’s concern that people would misinterpret things. Paul noted what he had taught them—how God had done so much for them.

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