Thursday, Ordinary 29, Proper 24, Oct 16

Tent of Meeting or Tabernacle

Tent of Meeting/Tabernacle model in Israel Wikipedia CCL


Thursday, Ordinary 29, Proper 24 lesson addressed numerous leaders working in concert for God’s designs. The Psalmist praised God for his supremacy, majesty, and awesome nature—sitting above the cherubim and ruling over the universe. Yet he also mentioned the key leaders—Moses, Aaron and Samuel, who were well known for their interaction with God on behalf of Israel. They prayed. God listened and answered their prayers. God spoke to them and they obeyed. God blessed them and more importantly, forgave them for the sins of the Children of Israel.

The Old Testament lesson in Exodus brought the meeting tent into focus and the leadership who solved issues for the people. Moses and Joshua used it to interact with God. All of Israel would come out of their tents to watch when Moses and Joshua went into the tent of meeting with God. The pillar of cloud would shift to its entrance and they would know that God was meeting Moses, essentially friend to friend.

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