Sixteenth Day of Lent – Friday – Mar 21

The Promised Covenant Celebrated

“The Lord is a Victorious Warrior in our Midst” This stained glass window by Edward Burne Jones is in St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh. It shows Joshua and the people of Israel crossing the Jordan into the Promised Land. The Ark of the Covenant stands on the dry waterbed so that they can cross over. It is an image of God’s victory and triumph.Photo by Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P.


The Sixteenth Day of Lent celebrates the unity. The Psalmist praises God for provisions and fulfilling the promises to the children of God. The story of Exodus continues the tale from yesterday’s lesson. The grumbling of the travel weary Israelites touched God. Manna and quail were sent to appease them. Both show God’s intervention in the personal everyday lives of heirs of the promise.

The New Testament lesson drawn from the epistle to the church at Ephesus attempts to tamp down the “we’re-better-than-you-are’ attitudes of the Early Church. Already, divisions and cliques formed—fracturing the fledgling church families by the increasing dissensions. With the logic of a scholar and firmness of a parent, Paul enumerates the call to unity in the church. Continue reading