Monday, Ordinary 27, Proper 22, Oct 6

Michelangelo’s David

V&A David Cast of Michelangelos David, presented to the Queen by the Duke of Tuscany in 1857. Paul Stevenson, flickr CCL


Monday, Ordinary 27, Proper 22 lessons continued the law in the parallel version in Deuteronomy, clearly defining the key basic rules of a relationship with God and with others. The Psalmist sang of living by that law and having it make his life full of hope and promises. Things went better when he lived by the law.

The New Testament epistle from Peter addressed the distinctions of the early church believers. Peter, who was called the ‘rock’ by Jesus, spoke of him as the ‘living stone,’ something that might have seemed quite odd to those, who saw rocks as solid and lifeless. But Peter used the firm structure and added the uniqueness of Christ’s being resurrected and alive to show that the cornerstone that some people rejected as the Messiah, would be the true measure of the Kingdom of God.

Stones that some reject. When we were rehabbing our home, we went to a granite store for our kitchen counter tops. While we were there, we discovered a box of granite pieces that were going to be discarded. When a granite sheet broke and couldn’t be used for a project, the pieces were left in the box and anyone was welcome to them. We loaded up our trunk with dozens of pieces of beautiful granite. Several places, we needed a transition from outside to inside. My husband used these pieces to create a mosaic entry of granite slabs. The end result was beautiful and to think it was made from rejected pieces.
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