Twenty-Third Day of Lent – Friday – Mar 28

The Lord is My Shepherd

“The Good Shepherd” Christoper Whall’s east window in St Ethelbert’s, Herringswell. It depicts Christ as the Good Shepherd, with exerts from Psalm 23 in the surrounding scenes. The black faced sheep in the scenes are drawn by Whall’s sister-in-law, Alice Chaplin (Sculptress to Queen Victoria). Photo by Glass.Mouse; flickr


The Twenty-Third Day of Lent continues with the story of King Saul, in the Old Testament lesson. The prophet Samuel confronted him with his failure to obey, and he responded by fixing the blame on his underlings. Today’s lesson takes it one step further. King Saul goes further suggesting he was using the animals that his soldiers pillaged for sacrifices. And Samuel asked the key point—”Do you think God prefers a show of worship (sacrifice) or obedience to what God asks us to do?

King Saul said, “I failed to do what God asked, but…”

I learned early on that whenever you use the word “but” in a sentence that it negates everything said before it.
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