Saturday, Ordinary 30, Proper 25, Oct 25

Moses Receiving the Law

Moses receives the Commandments of God

Moses receives the Commandments of God Photo by Fr Lawrence Lew, OP, flickr CCL


Saturday, Ordinary 30, Proper 25 was all about Moses—his words, his song, his declarations. The Psalm was the Song of Moses that he wrote at the end of his life, his final legacy to his people. Moses acknowledged God’s infinite greatness—

“Lord, you have been our home

since the beginning.

2 Before the mountains were born

and before you created the earth and the world,

you are God.

You have always been, and you will always be.”

From before time began, God was and planned for humanity, whose life was like a dream at waking. Time to God—thousands of years to us—was a glimmer. Unfathomable would be an apt description, since humans have never been able to comprehend the larger-than-life aspects of God.

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