Sunday, Ordinary 28, Proper 23, Oct 12

Worshiping the Golden Calf

Worshiping The Golden Calf by Nicholas Poussin idolatry, Wikigallery CCL


Sunday, Ordinary 28, Proper 23 revealed the stunning story of the Golden Calf. Moses had been on the mountain for forty days and nights, after the amazing feast of the seventy elders, Moses, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu that consecrated the covenant and the promises of God. It took Moses being out of touch for a month for the people to begin murmuring about the woes of coming out of Egypt and their uncertainty of who to worship.

The Psalmist recorded the great miracles and signs of God’s presence guiding and leading the Children of Israel—the walking across the Red Sea on dry ground and all the other miracles—and yet, they called for Aaron to build them a god to worship. Aaron, Moses’ brother, priest, and part of the miracle of seeing the blue sapphire on which God stood, was swayed to call for them to bring their gold and melt it into a golden calf to worship.

God was furious and told Moses he was going to destroy them and start with Moses as a child of the promise to be a great nation. But Moses intervened—argued with God, suggesting that for him to destroy the people he had brought out of Egypt would not make him appear weaker and God wouldn’t want the non-chosen people to think less of him.
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