Thirtieth Day of Lent – Friday – Apr 4

Messenger of God

“Christ with his Angels” Detail from the west window in All Souls’ College chapel, Oxford. Photo by Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P.; flickr


The Thirtieth Day of Lent expands the glimpse into the future on the day we finally get to see God. Twenty-four elders surround the throne and somehow the vision will be broadcast so we all can see. Better than internet or satellite transmission.

The elders will get on their knees and bow down to their faces. I am old, so sitting down and getting up hurts and is a struggle. The thought of being so energized and pain free that someone like me (or better than) would kneel and put face to the floor exhilarates me.

Years ago, I was in London at the train station, when the royal coach from Sandringham arrived. My girlfriend recognized it because I commented on the polished wheels of the train. They shone. We stopped as porters hurried with red carpet, posts and ropes to allow the family to exit without obstruction. The entire family strolled down the carpet—Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward—within 10 feet of me. I was giddy with excitement. Unplanned, unexpected, it didn’t diminish the sheer exhilaration of the moment.

What John saw magnified that experience by an astronomical figure. Often bands play Pomp and Circumstance for dignitaries. God’s entrance is announced with thunder, lightning, noises, songs of praise and hailstorms. Imagine the din. Do you feel the chills, yet? Don’t forget that the earth moved—earthquakes. Living in California, I know the destruction and instant trepidation that hits when the rumbles first start…and then continue as I dash for a safe zone within construction.

This earthquake doesn’t cause fear. Sort of like my first experience in 1972 with a quake that awoke me from a dead sleep to a rocking of my bed, like a full back massager chair. No fear, just hunkering down under the covers.

Of course, some nations—wicked nations—may fear, because God’s wrath had come.

God—the creator of all the universe(s)—more powerful than anyone else; more knowledgeable than anyone else; is ready to judge the world—the nations; believers and non-believers alike. Scary thought. A good reason to be angry, especially when one understands the complete circumstance.

We all make judgments. The tragic shooting in Fort Hood shows how people rush to judgment and want to fix blame. However, being with one, who is perfect in judgment, who would recognize if maybe this young man with 15 years of a perfect record, suddenly takes a medicine that reacts badly and makes him experience aggression that is out of character (if you check the drug’s own warnings). We are less likely to hold someone accountable for aberrant behavior when a drug sets him off. We won’t know until the investigation is done, and maybe not even then.

God’s judgment is pure.

No one can cover up the truth. No one can pretend one thing. No corporation can withhold information.

God offers us safety and truth and the promise of a life so superior to everything we know that we can’t even absorb the truth. John was not able to describe most of what he saw. It was beyond anything he knew. It is beyond what we know. It will be worth it. There will be a time of reward for the faithful, for the believers.

Thanks be to God.

All Scriptures printed below are in King James Version for copyright purposes. However, clicking on the verse locations will take you to where the text is linked to more contemporary versions.

Click on the Scriptures for links to, where many translations of the same text enhance the understanding the readings, which come from the (RCL) Revised Common LectionaryDaily Lectionary
Readings. I add a Daily Prayer to bless you with God’s Favor.

Enjoy the Daily Encouragement and Bible Study and may you be inspired to be your best self for this Season of Lent.

Lenten Music

When the Saints Go Marching In – Dukes of Dixieland Jazz Band (original)

The Faithful – God’s Wrath on the Unfaithful

“Some will be Faithful” Photo by Waiting For The Word; flickr

Prayer: Almighty God, Open my eyes that I might see. Open my mind that I might understand. Open my heart that I might make your words a part of me. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight. Amen



Season of Lent Art

John on Patmos

“Joachim Patinir, “John on Patmos”” by Martin Beek


You Are Mine – Harsh Realm

Season of Lent Bible Readings;Ezekiel%2033:10-16;Revelation%2011:15-19&version=KJV;GNT;NIV;NCV;ERV

(multiple versions)


Thirtieth Day of Lent

Psalm 130

Ezekiel 33:10-16

Revelation 11:15-19

Daily Bible Verses to Memorize for Meditating

The “Shepherd’s Psalm” is worth memorizing in its whole, but at least verses 1 -3.

Psalm 23

King James Version (KJV)

23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.




Season of Lent Music

Oh Worship the King – Chris Tomlin

The Last Judgment

“Dies irae” Carved figures (13th Century, restored) on the tympanum of the central doorway of the west front of Notre Dame cathedral, Paris (France). Photo by Darkroom Daze; flickr


Single Bible Study chapter to study


Revelation 11:15-19

King James Version (KJV)

15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

Trumpet of God's Judgement San Bartolomé de Tirajana (Gran Canaria) cemetary entrance. Sun was behind the Angel blowing the trumpet of God's judgement.... yikes! Photo by er Guiri; flickr

Trumpet of God’s Judgement San Bartolomé de Tirajana (Gran Canaria) cemetary entrance. Sun was behind the Angel blowing the trumpet of God’s judgement…. yikes! Photo by er Guiri; flickr

16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,

17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.

“God on His Throne and 24 Elders” Photo by Sandra Cohen-Rose and Colin Rose: flickr

18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.

“Byzantine Apse Mosaic (c.805 AD)” “See and contemplate the holy oracle with its cherubim and the resplendent ark of the divine testament. Before this spectacle, strive to touch the Master of Thunder with your prayers; and, I pray of you, remember Theodulf in your prayers.” Carolingian Oratory Germigny-des-Prés Loire Valley, Centre, France. Photo by Holly Hayes; fickr





Take a moment and write three observations of the verses. What strikes you? An observation is an observable fact from the Word.








What do you interpret these verses to mean for you today?





Today, I learned _____________________________________and apply it to my life.



Prayer of Encouragement


Almighty God, we celebrate the end times well before the end of times because you are all knowing and all powerful. You will judge with truth and integrity. We can count on you to punish those who would destroy the earth and reward your followers. Help us be good stewards of the earth and be faithful followers. In Jesus name, Amen

Season of Lent Music

What A Day That Will Be – Bujor Florin Lucian


Season of Lent Humor

Heaven vs. Hell

Jeff Larson. the Used by permission

Jeff Larson. the Used by permission

I hope you found a chance to encounter your Creator and experience the Love of God and the joy of Christ in this Season of Lent.


The Thirtieth Day of Lent reminds us that God will judge—the good and the bad. Bad nations should worry and people should be angry about what destroyers of the earth tried to do. But there is comfort that the truth of everything will surface. No cover ups. No lying to pretend one thing while shafting the earth.

Instead, we look forward to the rewards as followers of Christ. We look forward to being in the presence of one so great that no queen, king, ruler, president or movie star would match the magnificence of God.

The beauty is that the source of all wants the best for our lives, even now. We can plug into that power, today and do great service to our Lord.

Go out and be ready for God to do mighty things in your life.*

Thank you for visiting ChapLynne’s Daily Encouragement and Bible Study. Please like if it was meaningful. God bless you.

*If you do not know the Lord as your personal Savior and you are seeking, please contact me. A genuine and simple prayer, asking God into your heart for the forgiveness of your sins will also do.