Sunday, Ordinary 29, Proper 24, Oct 19

The Prophet Moses with the Torah

The Prophet Moses with the Torah; The prophet Moses at the foot of the Colonna dell’Immacolata, at the end of the Piazza di spagna, Rome (1857). Ian Scott, flickr CCL


Sunday, Ordinary 29, Proper 24 showed the different encounters with God. The Psalmist spoke of the prophets Moses, Samuel and Aaron, who were able to talk with the almighty God and have their requests answered.

The Old Testament lesson in Exodus revealed the uniqueness of Moses’ dialogues with God. After the Hebrew people had turned to worshiping false gods while Moses was on Mt. Sinai, Moses pleaded with God to continue to lead them and not abandon them.

God gave Moses a glimpse of his glory. In an unusual encounter, God allowed Moses to be protected from the full force of his glory by being hidden in the crack of a rock. God promised to lead Moses and to prove his pleasure with him he allowed “his perfect goodness to pass in front of him and spoke his name, YHWH (Yahweh).”

Hidden in the rock, God said he would cover the crack with his hand, and then pass by, remove his hand and let Moses see his back.

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