Questions and Answers

A friend shared there were many questions about Scripture than needed answering. Yes. This is true. Often the questions have controversial answers.

These pages are for Q&A so anyone can ask and I will prayerfully answer to the best of my ability. I may share more than one view and allow you the reader to choose the answer that makes most sense to you.

Please ask. Any questions you have about Scripture, theology and belief systems. Nothing is off-limits within the area of ministry and spirituality.


2 thoughts on “Questions and Answers

  1. Comment: Revelation is a very difficult book for most Christians to read. But, I was also wondering. IF – God forbid – we get left behind at the rapture, what can we do? A pamphlet suggested you try to find a group of Christians, prayer, try to get to a church. We don’t really know what will be possible for us to do or not to do in this case. What are some things you might suggest if such a thing happened?

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