Wednesday, Easter Week Seven – June 4

King Solomon’s Temple – Dedication Day

King Solomon's Temple model – 120 cubits high; 56 meters; 180 feet; 20 stories.

King Solomon’s Temple model – 120 cubits high; 56 meters; 180 feet; 20 stories. “King Solomon’s Temple” Supposedly a scale model. Masonic Temple, Philadelphia; Photo by Megan Rosenbloom; CCL flickr


Wednesday, Easter Week Seven, was setting the parameters of worship and faith. In the Old Testament lesson, King Solomon was dedicating the Temple—reminding all of the people how God had remained true to every promise made.

People can get discouraged when things don’t happen fast, like Harry Potter waving a wand and **pufft** things would become what was asked for. The Hebrews had lived hundreds of years in Egypt, and then their trek across to the Promised Land took no short cuts. Forty extra years of wandering in the desert meant that the first generation would have died off. So many, who started the journey from Egypt with all their hopes and dreams for a land of their own saw their expectations fizzle in their own lives. But the promise remained true. They were a great nation and God was leading them to the Promised Land.

However, not all partake of the promises on earth within their lifetimes. For them, the eternal promise will be their reward. But for others, they will enjoy the blessings of the promise on earth, even as Solomon celebrated with the dedication of the temple.

Jesus explained to Nicodemus about the difference between what he was teaching and what the teachers of the law promulgated. Jesus came from above and taught what God sent him to teach first hand. But the problem with learning from Jesus was that they didn’t trust what he said, because it was different.

How was it different?
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