Saturday – Easter Week Three – May 3

A Feast that God Would Serve

“Plate” Photo by J. Hendron; flickr


Saturday of Easter Week Three covers a favorite topic: food. Ever since I met and married a chef of amazing delicious delicacies, I have discovered a pleasure in eating and serving food. So when both the Old Testament lesson in Isaiah talked about God preparing a feast of the highest gourmet pleasure for believers (followers/servants) and the New Testament lesson in the Gospel of Luke, where Jesus took it one step further.

“When you give a lunch or a dinner, don’t invite only your friends, brothers, relatives, and rich neighbors. …

13 “Instead, when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, and the blind.”

I know a true story about a couple who moved to a remote mountain community with a depressed economy. They attended an aging struggling church with less than 30 in attendance on Sunday mornings. In discussions of the ways for the church to grow, one young man suggested a soup and sandwich supper for the community. Outreach without asking for money or requiring attendance of a Christian service. Continue reading