Tuesday, Ordinary 30, Proper 25, Oct 28

The Ten Commandments and Moses

Stained glass in the Lady Chapel of Waltham Abbey parish church. This shows Moses with the Ten Commandments, and is above the scene of the Presentation in the Temple. Photo by Steve Day, flickr CCL


Tuesday, Ordinary 30, Proper 25 revealed the influence of God on one’s life. The Old Testament lesson in Exodus described Moses’ face as shining so bright, after he encountered God face to face on the mountain, that he frightened the people of Israel. He wore a head covering when he talked with them and took it off when he visited on the mountain with God. His encounter with God was so pure that it shone in his face.

Compare the encounter with someone, who has just fallen in love. On a lesser scale, his/her face would be glowing or shining brightly. It is noticeable and it brightens up a room when they walk in. Love makes things glow. God is love.

Moses’ encounter with God was an encounter with the purest Love. His face shone brightly after that.

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