Thursday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26, Oct 30

Idolatry Among Believers

Idolatry in Israel, Detail from a medieval stained glass window in the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. photo by Fr. Lawrence Lew, OP, flickr CCL


Thursday, Ordinary 31, Proper 26 asked the question, “Who’s the boss?” In the Old Testament lesson in Joshua, God delegated the leadership role that had been Moses’ to Joshua. God spoke to Joshua and told him to be brave and courageous—to take the leadership of guiding the Children of Israel over the Jordan River. God instructed Joshua to study the Law and meditate on it day and night, promising to always be with him as he had with Moses. God wanted Joshua to have all the confidence of leadership and that he would be the one to lead the Hebrew people into the Promised Land and take their inheritance that God described in great detail.

The Psalmist praised God for all the things that God had done for his people leading them to the land of plenty and giving them what he promised.

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