Thirty-Eighth Day of Lent –Saturday – Apr 12

Entrance on the Road to Jerusalem

“Damascus Gate, the northern Entrance to Jerusalem, Palestine” Photo by Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library; flickr


The Thirty-Eighth Day of Lent anticipated Passion Week. Jesus shared what would be happening. The Psalmist and the Old Testament lesson in Lamentations cried out all the sadness and unfairness of enemies’ plotting against believers. Enemies accused without basis. They made up false stories and the prophet called upon the Lord to even things out. Put things back in balance. We could almost hear the child-like cry, “Not fair. That’s mine.” They wanted things to be fair, but the world was not fair.

The New Testament lesson briefly followed the disciples and Jesus on their last journey toward Jerusalem. The unrest was palpable and made people fearful. Most people have experienced, at some point, having to face hostile people. Being despised was never an enticement to enter a room, but sometimes, difficult tasks have been a necessity. Parents experience it from angry children; colleagues experience it from bosses or from differing sides of an issue. Jesus was well acquainted with the grief of facing hostilities.

Jesus had been familiar with the chief priests seeking to kill him, but he had eluded them until this time. Now the time was come. Jesus revealed that the high priest would arrest him and declare he should die. They would turn him over to the Gentiles and he would be put to death; but that in three days, he would rise again.
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