Monday, Ordinary 26, Proper 21, Sep 29


allegorical scene of Moses Dirck Gerritsz Bleker Wikigallery, CCL


Monday, Ordinary 26, Proper 21 presented the original bad news good news moments. The Psalmist began with “as the deer panteth for the water, so my soul thirsts for the living God…” and then proceeded to share the misery of being exiled and suffering under the hand of those not following God. (bad news) At the very end, he wrote of trusting and placing hope in God because that would solve things. (good news).

The Old Testament lesson in Exodus brought Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, and Moses’ wife and sons to meet them. Moses shared the fears and hardships of being in Egypt (bad news) and the escape from Egypt (good news) and the troubles along the way (bad news) and the miracles that God had done for them (good news) so that they were saved. Jethro praised God and declared him to be the true God.

The Apostle Paul in the letter to the church at Philippi started with thanksgiving at the very thought of them (good news) and then he proceeded to reveal his own imprisonment (bad news) but that his being in prison had spurred the church to walk with God more fearlessly (good news).
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