Thursday, Ordinary 28, Proper 23, Oct 9

Moses on Mt Sinai with 70 Elders

Moses on Mt Sinai; 1356 Manfredi de Battilor Bartolo Di Fredi Fredi wikigallery CCL


Thursday, Ordinary 28, Proper 23 promoted influence of the goodness of God in the lives of people.

The Psalmist praised God for all the incredible things that God had done for Israel in bringing them out of Egypt, and despite the failure of Israel to obey and their building of a golden calf while they were waiting for Moses to return, because of Moses’ influence, God didn’t wipe them off the face of the earth.

In Exodus, God called Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and 70 elders to gather for worship with a specific purifying ritual to prepare for worship. The Book of Covenant was read aloud and the influence of the leaders swayed the tribes to follow God. Each person could influence a minimum of 20 people and the influence could grow exponentially—like the he told two people and they told two people and so on and so on. The power of influence retelling the Children of Israel of God’s covenant with Abraham became astronomical. Their response was that they would do all that the Lord God commanded.
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