Friday – Easter Week Three – May 2

St. Peter

“St Peter dictating the Gospel to St Mark” This finely-carved ivory is in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Photo by Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P.; flickr


Friday of Easter Week Three’s message is simple. Be holy, as Christ was holy.

As most ‘simple’ instructions, the actual implementation is challenging and often not accomplished. I always think of the commercial Cher made for a physical fitness company, “Let’s face it, if being fit could come in a bottle, everyone would look great.”

The simple words, ‘Be fit’ are clearly difficult for many, else we wouldn’t have so many injuries, obesity and lack of activity.

Holiness. What does it involve? Peter mentions self-control (sobriety), hope, obedience and Christ-like. These are different from the words in the dictionaries which suggest saintly, devout, sacred, godly, but those are a bit nebulous as to what it means, since the perceptions of what constitutes ‘saintly’ can differ greatly. For a high school student, a saint is someone who turns in homework consistently. For the Catholic church, it may require two miracles.

So, what is Peter trying to address?
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