Wednesday of Passion Week – Apr 16

One of You Will Betray Me – Jesus and Judas

“One of you will Betray Me” by This stained glass detail of a window in St Cross’ church in Oxford captures this moment of the Gospel. Judas is shown in green, mouth agape, and holding a bag of money which is just visible in this shot. Photo by Fr Lawrence Lew,


Wednesday of Passion Week revealed another moment in Jesus’ preparation for his death. Again, he shared with his closest friends and companions that he was troubled in spirit. The depression that Jesus experienced lingered with each event.

As a Navy chaplain, in counseling, I observed people share with significant others about their deepest trepidations, only to discover that the ‘others’ glossed over that emotion and showed no concern. That would be devastating to the one suffering the depression.

Jesus shared his troubles, and received no response. He went further to flat out tell them that he would be betrayed by one of them. They did react to that, since it dealt with them, personally. Their response was self-centered—they looked at each other instead of saying something of a condolence for Jesus that he would be betrayed. They were more concerned with fixing blame—I am not the one. Which of you is it?

In fact, Peter nudges John, who was lying on Jesus’ chest, and said, “You ask him.” John does ask, and Jesus plainly said that it would be the one that Jesus handed the soaked bread to. Jesus hands the soaked bread to Judas.

It said Satan entered him, which no doubt is where the expression, ‘the devil made me do it’ came from. Prior to this, Judas was not expressly evil, just misguided. But each of his misguided actions led up to this moment where the devil entered him. When we are faithful to the Lord, and resist the devil, God is a barrier for us. We have to allow ourselves the opening in order for the devil to get access.

From that point, Judas sank deeper into sin. He made a deal to sell Jesus to those who would kill him. Judas knew. Jesus knew. The Jewish leaders knew.

The disciples remained clueless. They mistakenly supposed Judas had stolen from the treasury.
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