Monday, Ordinary 30, Proper 25, Oct 27

The Death of Aaron

18 century icon painter – Iconostasis of Kizhi monastery, Karelia, Russia Wikipedia CCL


Monday, Ordinary 30, Proper 25 was short and sweet. The Psalmist recalled the ways that he loved the law of God and how it kept him joyful and satisfied. The Old Testament lesson in Numbers spoke of another, who was obedient to the Lord. Aaron, the brother of Moses, who had journeyed with Moses through the visits to Pharaoh and on their exodus out of Egypt; into the desert, who strayed when the people asked him to build a golden calf and who complained, along with his sister Miriam, that he was as capable as Moses. God put Aaron in his place, but also set him up as the priest who sacrificed on behalf of the whole company of Israelites. He was respected and honored. His death followed Moses’ death.

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