Thirty-First Day of Lent – Saturday – Apr 5

The Last Judgment

The Last Judgment, Artist Unknown Italian, mid-16th century c. 1550; Photo by Eric Wilcox; flickr

The Last Judgment, Artist Unknown Italian, mid-16th century c. 1550; Photo by Eric Wilcox; flickr


The Thirty-First Day of Lent eases off the judgment, even though it underscores everything. After a couple of days dealing with the wrath of God and recognizing that all will be judged according to their deeds. Of course, Christians have the advantage of having Christ pay the price for the sins. If all of us, one after the other, were judged in a court of law for all our sins in the course of a life time, the old litany of infractions would be lengthy. How would you feel, having everything exposed? The judge pounds the gavel. “Guilty as charged. Sentence? Death.” Then, Jesus steps up and hands the bailiff a paper—Paid in full by Jesus Christ.

The Psalmist writes the same thing.

“Lord, if you punished people for all their sins, no one would be left alive.

4 But you forgive people, so they fear and respect you.

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