Holy Saturday of Passion Week – Apr 19

Jesus Laid in the Tomb by Joseph of Arimethea and Nicodemus


“Jesus Laid in the Sepulchre” Detail from a window in St Etheldreda’s in London. Photo by Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P.; flickr




Holy Saturday of Passion Week gives us a moment to regroup after the painful messages of sorrow over the last two days.

Some traditions have hourly vigils that give people opportunity to meditate on the Season of Lent, the extraordinary and redeeming sacrifice of Jesus and prepare the heart for the resurrection celebration on Sunday.

There are many Scriptures: the Old Testament prophet, whose poem in the third chapter was acrostic—i.e. the triplets (three lines) began with a Hebrew letter, so the 66 verses match the 22 letters of the alphabet. The Psalmist, David, sang of troubled times and hope in God that place of safety. The New Testament epistle of Peter placed the blame of troubles on the wrong doings of people, and yet forgiveness and redemption through the gospel was given to all—even those of the past. The Gospel lessons restated the burial of Jesus—by Joseph of Arimethea and Nicodemus—two Jewish leaders that were followers, believers in Christ.


I haven’t seen the Passion of Christ (the movie) but I heard complaints how all Jews were blamed for everything. I don’t believe all Jews were to blame.


The Saturday lesson of the Gospel shared how two Jewish leaders, who were not responsible for Christ’s death, but were responsible for burying his body in an acceptable fashion by Jewish rites. A great deal of expense and effort was given by these Jewish leaders—enough that their names were mentioned specifically in the Scriptures.


The Scriptures have scolded us about judging, and yet, I am stunned at how many people ‘judge’ Jews—God’s chosen people. Some Jewish leaders manipulated the crowd into a frenzy and guided people to have Jesus killed. Some Christian leaders have manipulated crowds into frenzies and have burned people at the stake, hung people, and killed for false reasons.
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