Sixth Day of Lent – Monday – Mar 10

Sculpture of Elijah

Elijah, Photo by TheoJunior; Flickr

Elijah, Photo by TheoJunior; Flickr


The Sixth Day of Lent brings angels into the mix. The Old Testament Lesson in I Kings reveals the low moments of a great leader—a prophet of God, Elijah, who witnessed the King and Queen of Israel systematically murder all the other prophets and received Jezebel’s threats of extinction. So Elijah retreated in fear and exhaustion.

Even Christ withdrew after a hectic day of teaching and healing. There is a time for withdrawing to rejuvenate the spirit.

Resting under the juniper tree, in the hills, momentarily safe from Jezebel, Elijah falls asleep. God provides a miracle of food—baked bread for Elijah to eat.

When I was in college, long before cell phones, electronic transfers and internet, I was in Cambridge, England, alone for the holidays. I waited for my mother to send me a check on my account in California. Time passed and the mail didn’t produce a check. Christmas came and went, I was down to 10 pence/25 cents and I bought a loaf of bread and survived another three days on bread. The mail from the USA offered no relief. No check. No money from my mother. Continue reading