Thursday, Pentecost Week – June 5

Mt. Sinai of the Exodus

 The approach to Mount Sinai, painting by David Roberts Mount Sinai.1839; CCL Wikipedia

The approach to Mount Sinai, painting by David Roberts Mount Sinai.1839; CCL Wikipedia


Thursday, Pentecost Week, began the countdown to Pentecost and dealt with the ways that God encounters us. The Psalmist reminded the Israelites how God’s eye was watching those that feared him and how safe they were under that scrutiny. Much akin to a parent watching over a child, who plays in complete absorption, unafraid of all surrounding that could be dangerous.

The Old Testament lesson in Exodus tracked the way that God interacted with the children of Israel. God proclaimed that all would be able to ‘hear’ the Voice of God in the cloud over the mountain in the Sinai Desert. They would hear the voice and therefore, be able to always put their trust in God. Sort of an audible ‘warm fuzzy’ file.
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