Trinity Sunday, Trinity Week – June 15

Trinity Sunday Icon

“Trinity Sunday Icon” by Will Humes; CCL flickr


Trinity Sunday, Trinity Week, celebrated the concept of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Psalmist acknowledged God for all the creation—sky, earth, humans, angels—and how amazing God for all these accomplishments. The Old Testament lesson in Genesis 1 and 2, told the creation story.

Before time began, God was. God created by calling into existence. It spoke of the Holy Spirit moving across the deep. We learned in John 1 that Jesus was the Word of God, who helped create everything that was made. From the first chapter of the Bible, the Trinity was identified.

While the interpretations of the first chapter can be cause for disagreement, the most important part of this all was that we recognize that God was the Creator. Other beliefs were secondary issues. Although the New Testament lesson in Matthew encouraged all followers to strive to be unified. In various translations, the words were ‘be at peace’ or ‘agree with each other’ or ‘be of like mind.’
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