Tuesday, Easter Week Six – May 27

Divine Love and Compassion – the Voice of God

“Alight with Divine Love” These are depictions by Burne Jones of the seraphim, the ‘burning ones’ who are alight with God’s love, and so, they are closest to God among the angelic choirs. This window is in St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh. by Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P.; CCL flickr


Tuesday, Easter Week Six, revealed a solution to the crisis of ignoring the voice or the laws of God. The Psalmist identified the Lord as sovereign over all creation and the blessings that came from God as a result of the order that God brings to our world.

The Old Testament lesson of Deuteronomy shared the fear that the Hebrew people had for the fire that covered the mountain and could have easily consumed them. God’s voice came out of the fire—they all heard the sound, even if they couldn’t interpret what was said. It was enough for everyone to agree that the laws should be followed…everything that God said would be important to follow. Fear drove their response.

The New Testament lesson in the epistle of St. Peter shared a message of following God’s words, but from a different place—not out of fear but out of love. What had been a driving force for obedience in the past had shifted with the loving sacrifice of Christ to action out of love.
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