Thirty-Sixth Day of Lent –Thursday – Apr 10

King David

King David Between Wisdom and Prophecy, Paris Psalter, Wikipedia, CCL

King David Between Wisdom and Prophecy, Paris Psalter, Wikipedia, CCL


The Thirty-Sixth Day of Lent recalled the selection and anointing of the young, David, to become King. We addressed the issues of selection in the Fourth Sunday of Lent. Today’s Old Testament lesson revisited it, but our focus will be on the Psalm of David, where he cried unto the Lord because he was having ‘one of those days’ where everything was going amiss.

David had been anointed; chosen as King, but he faced enemies and challenges that wore down the physically fit and resourceful man. While in the Navy, I had days that made me think I couldn’t claw my way out of a wet paper bag. That’s when I developed my ‘warm fuzzy’ file—the file of post-it-notes, personal cards, comments, awards etc. that reminded me of the moments when I saw God-at-work successfully for the sailors. Being a vessel that God used for the betterment of people soothed my spirit on those bad days.

David wrote a Psalm expressing that, too. He cried, “have mercy…because my eye, my soul, my belly hurt…my bones are consumed.”…I suffer reproach from my enemies…and my friends flee from me. All because of my sins…and slander from all sides. So there was both culpability and areas that were not within the control of David.


The word, but, negates all that goes before. But, David recognized that his part in it was not the critical part. “But I trust in you, Lord; I say, “You are my God. 15 My times are in your hands;…”

The time of Lent is a precursor to the time of celebration of Easter. It is a time of emptying of self and a recognition of limitations. Jesus fasted for 40 days, suffered the taunts of the devil. David suffered taunts of the devil, too. But, he discounted the bad, because God was in charge.

His final words nudge God to take care of things, so God’s name will be praised—for “thy mercies’ sake.” We, too, can call on God to help so that God’s name will be esteemed, instead of ridiculed for the foolishness and the sinfulness of humans. More of the complaints I hear about God derive from the failures of humans, not God. It is Christian hubris, self-righteous judgment of others and un-Christ-like behavior spewing hatred instead of love that underscores the complaints about God. If we follow in David’s footsteps, we will ask forgiveness and put our destiny into God’s hands.

Thanks be to God.

All Scriptures printed below are in King James Version for copyright purposes. However, clicking on the verse locations will take you to where the text is linked to more contemporary versions.

Click on the Scriptures for links to, where many translations of the same text enhance the understanding the readings, which come from the (RCL) Revised Common LectionaryDaily Lectionary
Readings. I add a Daily Prayer to bless you with God’s Favor.

Enjoy the Daily Encouragement and Bible Study and may you be inspired to be your best self for this Season of Lent.

Lenten Music

Approach My Soul the Mercy Seat – Indelible Grace

Where Others Saw David as a Shepherd, God Saw a King

“David” Photo by Michael Spoula; flickr

Prayer: Almighty God, Open my eyes that I might see. Open my mind that I might understand. Open my heart that I might make your words a part of me. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight. Amen



Season of Lent Art

David Confronted with His Sin

Nathan and David; Wikipedia, CCL

Nathan and David; Wikipedia, CCL

Oh, the bitter shame and sorrow – Salil Jha

Season of Lent Bible Readings;1%20Samuel%2016:11-13;Philippians%201:1-11&version=KJV;NCV;ERV;GNT;NIV

(multiple versions)


Thirty-Sixth Day of Lent

Psalm 31:9-16

1 Samuel 16:11-13

Philippians 1:1-11



Daily Bible Verses to Memorize for Meditating

Ephesians 2:8-10

King James Version (KJV)

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Not of works, lest any man should boast.

10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.




Season of Lent Music

Lord, Have Mercy on Me – – Esther Mui

Nathan Accuses David

“The Power of Myth: Science, Myth and Parable” Photo by Timothy Takemoto; flickr

Single Bible Study chapter to study

Psalm 31:9-16

King James Version (KJV)

Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am in trouble: mine eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly.

“Crying eye” Image by Antonio Soto Patiño; flickr

10 For my life is spent with grief, and my years with sighing: my strength faileth because of mine iniquity, and my bones are consumed.

“Bones of the upper skeleton” Photo by University of Liverpool Faculty of Health & Life Sciences; flickr

11 I was a reproach among all mine enemies, but especially among my neighbours, and a fear to mine acquaintance: they that did see me without fled from me.

12 I am forgotten as a dead man out of mind: I am like a broken vessel.

 Broken yellow mug in the street

Broken yellow mug in the street” Photo by hugovk; flickr

13 For I have heard the slander of many: fear was on every side: while they took counsel together against me, they devised to take away my life.

14 But I trusted in thee, O Lord: I said, Thou art my God.

15 My times are in thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me.

16 Make thy face to shine upon thy servant: save me for thy mercies’ sake.

“King David” Detail of King David by Sir Ninian Comper in the Lady chapel of Downside Abbey. Photo by Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P.; flickr




Take a moment and write three observations of the verses. What strikes you? An observation is an observable fact from the Word.








What do you interpret these verses to mean for you today?





Today, I learned _____________________________________and apply it to my life.



Prayer of Encouragement


Almighty God, We ask forgiveness for our sins. According to your mercy work in our lives that we might be a good reflection of you in the world today. In Jesus name, Amen

Season of Lent Music

O God, We Kneel Before Thy Throne – Modesto CRC Choir & The Hallelujah Brass

From Deepest Woe I Raise to Thee – Sing to the Lord 24

Season of Lent Humor

Our Sin is Ever Before Us

 Jeff Larson. the Used by permission

Jeff Larson. the Used by permission

I hope you found a chance to encounter your Creator and experience the Love of God and the joy of Christ in this Season of Lent.


The Thirty-Sixth Day of Lent lesson dealt with David, son of Jesse, being selected because his inward appearance instead of his outward appearance. His Psalm was a cry unto God for help when things were going wrong. Everything was against him—enemies and friends.

But, he could rely on the power of God, the wisdom of God, the all-knowing sovereignty of God to put things in perspective. He could breathe deep and relax in the arms of God, because God’s reputation was at stake and God was in charge. For God’s sake, God would sort things out. It came down to God’s glory. In the epistle to Philippians Paul wrote glowingly of thankfulness of the wonderful believers, and his end remark was, all of the loving behaviors he wished for them were “that you will be filled with the good things produced in your life by Christ to bring glory and praise to God.” Like David, the key was bringing God the glory.

All that we do should be for God’s glory, not our own. Every suffering or success—whichever end of things we might find ourselves had one point—to bring praise to God, for God’s sake.

Go out and be ready for God to do mighty things in your life—for the glory of God.*

Thank you for visiting ChapLynne’s Daily Encouragement and Bible Study. Please like if it was meaningful. God bless you.

*If you do not know the Lord as your personal Savior and you are seeking, please contact me. A genuine and simple prayer, asking God into your heart for the forgiveness of your sins will also do.