Friday – Easter Week Five – May 16

Christ (in the Burning Bush) Appears to Moses

“Christ in the Burning Bush” This window of Christ in the Burning Bush appearing to Moses is from the former Dominican priory church at Hawkesyard. Photo by Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P.; flickr


Friday, Easter Week Five lessons continued the sense of trusting in the call we saw in yesterday’s lesson of Abram and St. Stephen.

The Psalmist cried to the Lord, “Lord, I trust in you; let me never be disgraced. Save me because you do what is right.” Despite, his fear—palpable in his words—he stated his trust in what God would do.

The New Testament lesson spotlighted the speech of Stephen before the Sanhedrin, right before they convicted him on the made-up charges of speaking against Moses. When the leaders of the Sanhedrin asked Stephen whether the charges were true, Stephen knew denying the trumped up charges would be worthless, so he ‘answered’ the challenge by retelling the stories of the Israelites. We heard the beginning of the history of the Jews, in today’s lessons, how each of the patriarchs trusted and answered the call of God.

He began with Abram’s moving his family from Ur of the Chaldees, after his father died, to Canaan answering God’s call. Isaac, his child of faith, was circumcised to demonstrate the promise of God to make him a great nation. Jacob, too, received circumcision and fathered 12 sons—the beginning of the 12 tribes.

Stephen highlighted how Joseph was sold into slavery, but God was with him through his troubles and he became Pharaoh’s right hand during the upcoming famine. Jacob’s son’s went to Egypt, and the second time, Jacob moved the seventy-five members, servants and flocks to live in Egypt with Joseph, although their remains were returned to Shechem burial sites which were preserved for them to lie with Abraham.
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