Wednesday, Easter Week Six – May 28

Moses Passes the Mantle to Joshua

“Boston – Back Bay: Boston Public Library McKim Building – Sargent Gallery – Frieze of the Prophets” by Wally Gobetz; CCL flickr


Wednesday, Easter Week Six, peered forward for both the Old Testament lesson, where Moses passed the mantle to Joshua and the New Testament Gospel lesson, where Jesus attempted to inform his disciples of his impending ascension.

Moses announced that he didn’t have long to live, being 120 years old, and Joshua would lead the Hebrew people into the Promise Land. But more than the news of Joshua’s appointment as the impending leader, was the promise of God.


3 aThe Lord your God himself will go before you…

The Lord will give you victory over them, and you are to treat them exactly as I have told you. Be determined and confident. Do not be afraid of them. Your God, the Lord himself, will be with you. He will not fail you or abandon you.” GNT Deuteronomy 31:3a, 5-6

My throat constricts at the glorious nature of that promise—worth restating—because it applies to each of us, wherever we are. Most of us have struggles, be it financial, health, fitness, social, emotional, spiritual, mental, relational, familial, career, or dealing with feeling alone, that we are the only one experiencing something. To know that God has promised to be with us…and not only that, but to go before us, trailblazing the way soothes our souls.

  • The Lord will go before you.
  • God will give you victory over enemies.
  • Be determined and confident.
  • Don’t be afraid.
  • God—the Lord himself—will be with you.
  • God will not fail or abandon you.

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