Second Day of Lent – Thursday – Mar 6

The Prophet Jonah by Michelangelo

The Prophet Jonah, as depicted by  Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel; Wikipedia CCL

The Prophet Jonah, as depicted by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel; Wikipedia CCL


The Second Day of Lent continues with three experiences of great Bible characters, who failed to do the right thing, and yet still had an opportunity for redemption—a second chance to do the right thing. 1) The Psalmist David cries unto the Lord in his confession after he committed adultery with Bathsheba. 2) The book of Jonah revealed that Jonah, after having been instructed to go to Nineveh raced in the opposite direction heading to Joppa and caught a boat, but in today’s lesson was given another chance by God to go to Nineveh, with great success. 3) The epistle to the church in Rome from Paul calls attention to his call to service, despite being the least of saints, since he had been a murderer and zealot against Christians.

All three of these great patriarchs of the Judeo-Christian heritage failed at service to God. Failed to do what God wanted. Failed to rise to the challenge. Failed to be obedient to the Spirit of the Law of God. Failed to obey the law of God. Continue reading