Tuesday, Ordinary 12 / Proper 7 – June 24

The Angels of the Candlesticks of the Churchs

The Lamb and the Seven Lampstands Detail from the 6th-century mosaic arch in the basilica of St Cosmas and St Damian in Rome.; Fr Lawrence Lew, OP; CCL flickr

The Lamb and the Seven Lampstands Detail from the 6th-century mosaic arch in the basilica of St Cosmas and St Damian in Rome.; Fr Lawrence Lew, OP; CCL flickr


Tuesday, Ordinary 12/Proper 7, continued the life and progeny of Ishmael and addressed the angel from the Church at Smyrna.

As a kid growing up reading the Bible through in a year, I always sped through the begats and the genealogies. I wondered why they would spend so much time with them. Of course, it seemed moderately important to a teenager to know what the generations of David to Jesus. Besides, I knew many of the names—Boaz, Jesse, David, Solomon, Absalom etc.
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