Wednesday, Ordinary 15, Proper 10 – July 16

Parables – Parable of the Sower

Parables: parable of the sower ; photo by madison.murphy; flickr CCL


Wednesday, Ordinary 15/Proper 10 addressed why God didn’t explain everything. Like the movie where Jack Nicholson bellowed “You can’t handle the truth,” some people would be inclined to reject whatever was said. So God instructed Isaiah (Isaiah 6) and Obadiah to proclaim that the descendants of Esau would suffer the consequences of refusing to listen, refusing to pay attention, refusing to understand and refusing to obey.

God had expressed his dislike, yeah, hatred, of Esau. Esau, who discarded his birthright cavalierly for a bowl of soup, and disobeyed the law of God. His heart was never willing to listen, understand and obey. His descendants followed his pattern and God held them accountable. They had access to the knowledge of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but they rejected it, as had Esau.

Obadiah’s lesson reminded the children of Israel that although they had been punished for turning away from God, that the Edomites would be punished even more because of what they had done.
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